The Most Dependable Team Selection App on the Market
Make tryouts a breeze & evaluate quicker with our team selection and scheduling app. Easily schedule players and their evaluation sessions, assign evaluators, check-in players, assign jerseys, evaluate, report, repeat — with speed!
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Be Fair
Our app ensures a fair, transparent, and accurate team selection process for sports organizations.
Save Time
Do away with the average 375 hours organizations typically spend on evaluations each year.
Achieve Goals
Our process ensures transparent, unbiased, and accurate team selections in record time.

A Scalable Solution
Our team selection and scheduling app can be used to evaluate players and athletes for any sport, anywhere in the world — and is scalable to accommodate any number of players.
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Built on Years
of Experience
The Sports Evaluations app was 20 years in the making, engineered by some of the world's top team selection experts.
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